Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Still here, I think.

Alrighty then, looks like good science prevailed and we are all still here. Sure enough there's a new pile of feral cat pooh on my lawn, so we're even in the same universe (or the Cosmos has a very twisted sense of balance).

NOW FOR SOME COOL SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY that a colleague pointed out to me. Check out how Popular Media has created a few very useful social applets for websites. I love the Social Notes.


Alexa Darrin said...

I was kind of hoping for an alternate universe situation. One in which my debt had been erased, soft serve was a health food, and we all wore one-piece metallic jumpsuits. That's too bad.

John Avilla said...

Are you saying that you're not wearing a cool, one-piece metallic jumpsuit like the one that that I am currently wearing?