Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Too much access!

Facebook, Netvibes, Flickr, YouTube, Yelp, LinkedIn, Blogs, Twitter...and the list goes on and the list changes. But what doesn't change are my needs to easily monitor, then step in and out of the right conversations. I use Netvibes for this, although I have colleagues who use Google Sites, iGoogle, Friendfeed and increasingly Facebook.

I guess my big issue is that I want to separate my business info and connections from the purely social. When I'm at work, I want to track the media, marketing, pertinent industry news, agency work, etc. without being distracted by the ongoing purely social interactions.

Of course, that may make me a poor social media expert, but maybe the big idea here is that we all need effective strategies for separation of work networking (workNetting?) and "neighborhood/home" social networking. Otherwise "Social Media" becomes a distraction rather than an asset.

I don't expect that there is one approach that fits all, but I'm going to set up a business related feed on Netvibes (with a public version as well) and run my social consolidation through Facebook with a Friendfeed app.

How do you monitor and separate/filter your feeds so you can be productive at work?

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