Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The end of the world...thanks to LARGE HADRON collider

This is probably my last entry. Tonight, while America sleeps, a band of "rockstar" physicists will start up the LARGE HADRON Collider at CERN to find the Higgs Bosun "God Particle". Shortly thereafter the time-space fabric of the universe will be ripped apart and we will all be sucked into the resulting black hole.

On the other hand we could also all be instantly shifted to another parallel universe. I hope in that one we all drive spaceships and get to carry laser pistols and the feral neighborhood cats crap on the village idiot's lawn, not mine.

1 comment:

Alexa Darrin said...

The article on BBC news said that this experiment would "keep physicists off street corners for a long time to come." Is this an actual problem? Do the physicists on street corners wear clear stilettos, or do they stick with the white lab coats and glasses? Maybe they should get real jobs, then. I think we give the science nerds too much money anyway. If you really want to replicate the Big Bang, just get a bunch of Avilla boys together, feed them some beans, broccolli, and Grammaw's cookies, and lock them in a small room.