Thursday, November 13, 2008

Just goes to show, you don't have to be a genius.

Alright, I commented earlier this week on my buddy Dave's blog that we can look forward to the Obama Administration using the web as a direct-to-the-people communications platform. Today the Associated Press released an article with the same point  of view. I'm not crowing here, just pointing to the wonderful Change that is happening. This change in particular is the web effect finally getting to the political and governmental process.

The promise of the web from it's earliest public application has been the "democratization of content and information, and the power that goes with it." Ironically, nearly twenty years later, we have the literal Democratization of the political process and the ultimate in political power given to the man who was smart enough to embrace the web.

Read the referenced article. I love the quote about how Republicans will be watching for "White House web outreach that appears overly political." Gang, you know the beauty of the web is that you can build your own audience and reach out directly to them too. Better yet, look for a bipartisan approach that directly involves every American, regardless of political party to engage in the political process, and see just what is being done to move our great country into the better economic and world standing. Another irony that it takes a "community organizer" rather than an "Experienced Executive" to leverage the web to organize us into a nationwide community. Gee Rudy, I guess that's what they do!